A free novella featuring a distinguished bird watcher. Fun, danger and ornithology! Learn MoreFun, danger and ornithology!

A gripping and harrowing tale...
rich in vivid, evocative details.

Maria Haskins

Fragile butterfly wings over the Arctic ice…

A human transplanted inside a giant monarch butterfly body roams an Earth scarred by climatic changes. The monarch is undestructible, as long as he keep to the rarefied altitudes. But can he stay indifferent to the suffering going on under his wings?

A short and compelling ecological tale, by multiple awards-winning Canadian SF author Michèle Laframboise

“This story does an excellent job
of balancing the power dynamics,
technological advances, and human stories
that will shape the world in the next century.”
–Locus Magazine



Transplanted into an immortal shell, Dominique roams over landscapes devastated by climatic changes. The giant monarch butterfly records the merciless wars erupting between pockets of survivors, for the pleasure of his masters, who dwell in lavish palaces rolling over the Arctic synthetic ice.

The monarch is indestructible, as long as he flies in the rarefied altitudes, high over the people scraping a miserable existence from the scarred earth. But can he stay indifferent to the suffering going on under his wings?

A compelling story of climate change and survival, told by multiple awards-winning Canadian SF author Michèle Laframboise.

  • Solaris Award 2010
  • Special Jury Prize for a Warming Up contest in Galaxies magazine, 2012
  • Published in original French in the Quebec Solaris magazine, issue 175, 2010
  • Published in Galaxies, issue number 18 on global warming, 2012
  • Translated into Russian and published in Supernovia 45-46, 2014
  • Published in English in Abyss&Apex 67, 2018.